
Your Account Wasn’t Approved You Need to Fix Some Issues Before You Can Use AdSense

Your account wasnt approved you need to fix some issues before you can use AdSense
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When you apply for Google Adsense Approval, it is most likely you will get this message in the Gmail account you used for the application.

You need to fix some issues before you can use AdSense.

This is the generic message by Google Adsense for rejection. In this article, I will show you how to know the exact reason for your Google Adsense rejection message.

Related>>> Google Adsense Approval Service

When you get that message on your Gmail account. Follow these steps to know the reason for rejection:

  1. Go to and sign in with the Gmail account you used to sign up for Adsense
  2. Click on the menu and select sites
  3. Click on the drop-down buttons on the site you want to check for the rejection reason.
  4. Finally, click on show details.

Recommenended>>> How To Fix Adsense Valuable Inventory Rejection Messages

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